Pollen in the Southeast - how do you avoid it?

As springtime arrives in the Southeast region of the United States, so does the annual increase in pollen levels. For allergy sufferers, this can lead to uncomfortable symptoms such as sneezing, congestion, and itchy eyes. Here are some tips to help mitigate allergy symptoms during pollen season.

  1. Keep an eye on pollen counts

Check local weather websites or apps to keep track of pollen counts in your area. Pollen levels tend to be highest in the morning, so it's best to plan outdoor activities for later in the day if possible.

  1. Limit outdoor exposure

On high-pollen days, limit your time spent outdoors, especially during peak pollen hours. Keep windows and doors closed to prevent pollen from entering your home. If you must go outside, wear a mask and sunglasses to reduce exposure.

  1. Keep your home clean

Regularly clean your home to reduce pollen buildup. Vacuum carpets and furniture, wash bedding frequently, and use an air purifier with a HEPA filter to capture pollen particles in the air.

  1. Use over-the-counter remedies

Over-the-counter antihistamines, nasal sprays, and eye drops can provide relief from allergy symptoms. Be sure to read labels and follow dosing instructions carefully.

  1. Consider immunotherapy

For severe allergies, immunotherapy may be an effective long-term solution. This involves gradually exposing the body to small amounts of allergens to desensitize the immune system over time.

By taking these steps, you can reduce the impact of pollen on your allergy symptoms and enjoy the beautiful springtime weather in the Southeast.

David Ask